Re-decoratings, Re-aquaintings, and Resolutions…

Now that the hustle bustle of the Holidays is over, it’s time to get back to work, but it shouldn’t be this much fun…or should it? Taking the time to fiddle around with my supplies and decor is a luxury I didn’t afford myself much last year. “Nose to the grindstone”, that was me!IMG_1124

A bit of de-cluttering I did before Christmas, and a perfect example of what I would like the rest of the room to look like. (Pardon if you have already seen this on other social mediums)


Some washi tape that was stuffed in baskets and drawers. “Out of sight out of mind”, therefore “out of use”! It’s not a New Years resolution to cut back on spending, but it should be!


Last night, I was going through some back issues of Flow magazine while working in my Vision Journal, and came across these gorgeous art pages. So, down came the clutter, and up went the pretties!


This rolling rack was a sight! Now, it displays part of my collection of vintage linens. Some of these have plans, but for the most part, I just like looking at them.

I’m not much for New Years resolutions, but I do like to shoot for a new mindset. Last year, it was getting my shoppe in high gear. I think I stripped a few, because I was worn out before Christmas!

This year, it’s reacquainting myself with the things and people that inspire me and have guided me to where I am today.

With a grateful heart,

Thank you once again for visiting,

Have a great week,


8 thoughts on “Re-decoratings, Re-aquaintings, and Resolutions…

  1. Your studio looks so pretty – colorful and bright! I sort of enjoy being sloppy with my craft stuff, but it’s easy to lose track of what you have that way. Having your things on display is inspiring!


  2. Everything looks so neat and fresh, Patty. And you have got some lovely washi tapes SCREAMING to be used in your projects! 🙂 I hope the 2016 will be blessed beyond measure to compensate for the sad losses of 2015 and to give you a much needed creative boost. We’ll stick around and cheer!


  3. good for you patty! reacquainting-redecorating- and i’ll add in recalculating. must be something that blew in with the new year, i’m doing the same and it feels good 🙂 i like the idea of a new mindset instead of resolutions. your pictures make me swoon ~ and inspired me to de-clutter my desk area this evening 😉 (thumbs up!) your vintage linen collection is beautiful, and those yarn covered hangers! = love! take time/make time for yourself this year. SO important. xoxo


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