Sad News

First, I would like to apologize for the unexpected absence. I seem to be apologizing a lot lately.

This year has been a struggle knowing that our little dog Lily was very ill and that we knew we would be losing her in a matter of months, it has really taken the wind out of my sails. I have been trying to do “all the things” while caring for her along with all the other obligations of life, and art has had to take a backseat.

Journal pages from March.

We lost her on May 1st in the sweetest way possible even though she had been struggling for a week or so. I’m telling you this because I still don’t know where this whole social media thing is going to end up. I have gone back and forth so many times about whether or not to keep making videos or blog postings, I guess we’ll just have to see what happens.

I would love to pretend that everything is “just fine”, but I feel as if I’m stuck in a place I don’t want to be. Being honest with you about where I’m at is the first step towards finding my new normal as far as post sharing going forward.

I know that this is a very different post that I usually write, and I hope you don’t mind, but I just wanted to let you know that if you don’t hear for me for a while again, why.

A photo of Lily spending the day at the park with family walking around smelling everything she could. Losing her wasn’t like losing a family member or a best friend, it was like losing a very beloved pet that showed unconditional love.

I’ll leave it at that.

As always,

Thank you for the visit,

Have a great week,


Checking In

Hey Friends, just a quick post to let you know I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth.

I have been keeping busy organizing and using up several years worth of ephemera.

I usually just organize then loose interest, but this time I am actually putting it to use.

…and I have almost filled up a journal at this point!

Let me know in the comments how you are doing and what you’re up to.

As always,

Thank you for the visit,

Have a great week,


Not Sure What I Was Thinkin’

It sounded like fun at first blush, but at about 24 hours in I was questioning the whole thing. In case you don’t know what my latest project has been, it’s the “Dollar Tree Junk Journal” Challenge hosted by Jessica at The Paper Terrace . I know I can be honest with you here because most of you have been with me for a long time, so you may or may not be surprised by my impulsiveness.

This is how it went down…

I got a notification on YouTube from one of my favorite creators, Kathleen at Be Again Books , and she was sharing a journal she had made for this challenge. Seriously, I dropped everything and ran to my Dollar Tree. It took me over an hour to find my supplies…who spends more than 15 minutes at the Dollar Tree!? …a clear warning sign completely missed by your’s truly!

It gets better…not really.

I get all my stuff home and it just lays there staring at me…I stare back, there seems to be a stand off. Luckily there is a $20 maximum you can spend, so that guilt is eased a bit. So I dive straight in with less than high hopes, much less confidence…and a lot of cheap supplies (come on, it’s the dollar store!).

Late to the party!

Not only have I purchased a bunch of crazy a#% supplies, the challenge is already a week in! Any sane person would have done their homework. Not me! I’m grabbing my car keys and running out the front door while Kathleen’s video is still playing in the background!

So I dig in…again.

Luckily, I decided to share a video of my purchases with somewhat of a plan going forward. I say luckily because I got so frustrated that I almost quit. I thought “I’m going to delete the video, donate my dollar store finds, and move on”…I had a plan! But, when I went to delete the video, I saw followers and comments and likes…oh my!

Okay, I’ll admit I’m a pushover (on too many levels to cover here).

A changing perspective.

Through the frustration of trying to work with such a limited selection of supplies, I had lost the real reason I had started this project in the first place, to be a part of something along with other creators. Sure, this challenge lived up to it’s definition, but I wasn’t working alone. Everybody was having their ups and downs with it, but they kept going. Most of us jumping from one channel to the next getting tips, ideas, and inspiration, and leaving ‘likes’ and comments along the way. In other words, the best thing about this whole project is the community, the journal was secondary.

Lesson learned, but next time I’m doing my homework!

(go to my channel if you want to see my progress, the link is in the sidebar)

As always,

Thank you for the visit,

Talk to you soon,


Is Organizing a Creative Pursuit?

Lately, my favorite thing to do is put on an inspiring YouTube channel, grab some supplies, and work on a small project. This was my intention, until this happened…

Where it all started.

I was working on this page spread last week and I needed something small to fill in that space in the corner. So I grabbed that little tag, gathered a few small decor pieces, and there you go. But..(there’s always a but!), I thought “Why not have several of these on hand so I don’t have to get out ‘all the things’ every time I need a small embellishment?”.

That’s what I get for thinking!

Making large tags too.

Of course it turned into a whole thing. Gathering supplies, organizing supplies, and creating a containment unit for said supplies. I am now the proud owner of a “Tag Makings” box…sitting on top of and next to several other “_____ Makings” boxes.

Instant page…well, sort of.

I may be in need of assistance here. I have been spending most of the last few weeks organizing craft/art supplies into boxes. Not as much “making” going on as I would have liked because I am too busy organizing. This wouldn’t be an issue if I didn’t have other obligations…like a dog on diuretics that needs a wee every hour! But I digress…

The collection.

I now have loads of tags that may or may not save me time in the long run…but I’m organized!

As always,

Thank you for stopping by,

Have a great week,


Playing With Painted Pages

This is one of those things that I wish I would have thought of a lot sooner! In my last blog post I shared about getting a lot of inspiration from YouTube and Etsy digitals. Well, last week I put “Bright Digitals” into my Etsy search and found a shop that sold some beautiful digital copies of her art. Bingo, into the cart!

Then, while running errands the other day (I get my best ideas while driving), it occurred to me that I might be able to do the same thing with some of my painted pages.


These are some of the backgrounds that I had painted for pages in my art journals. I had muted down the color a bit with tinted watered down gesso because they were super bright.

But I wanted “Super Bright” pages to work with in my art journals. Hmmmm…


I scanned them into my computer as a .jpeg so my photo editing app would accept them, and turned up the dials. There were so many options on how to manipulate the color, I was in heaven!

Now, I know that these are a little blurry from all the playing around I did on my computer, but this is just a start. Besides, these are to tear up or use as backgrounds so no worries. Also, I have quite a few more painted background pages to work with that I can paint over, stencil, and do all kinds of colorful decorating on before scanning.

Where it stared.

That little pink paper scrap in the background is from a page I painted a while back. I loved how it came out by combining it with digitals and a few of my own “art scraps”, but I was using up a favorite painted page! Now, I’m all about downsizing and using things up, but if you scan it before using it up, then it’s no longer taking up space, and you know where to find it. Which is a game changer in my world, you have no idea how much time I spend looking for things…but that’s another story.

Matching up colors.

I’m in spring mode right now, so I wanted to use a more muted art paper in the background, all I had to do is tone the color down a bit before printing. If there is a particular image or focal point that you want to match, it’s easy to just play around with the color a bit to match them up.

I have so many of ideas I’m playing with right now and I will share more of them here soon. I hope you will try this out. Please let me know in the comments.

Until next time,

Thank you stopping by,

Have a great week,
