2017 Holiday Journal

Well, it’s that time of year again! Time to start documenting the Holiday season. There seems to be something more special about every year that I want to record, our family is growing, and there is so much to be thankful for right now!

This journal sat in my shoppe for two years, it needed some love. So, I took it apart and added lots of fun, kitschy pages, along with some fall themed because I start these journals on Thanksgiving and work on them until the new year.

The first page spread is a pocket pages and a vintage book page I fell in love with. I spent this day getting the house ready for guests, and this homey scene captured the mood perfectly.

This little Dennison envelope had been bouncing around for a few years and I wanted to give it a home before it fell apart. It reminds me of those little “shakers” people are adding to their pages and happy mail.

Because I don’t always have room on my pages to journal, I decorated an envelope to keep some journaling paper in. Once in a while I’ll pour extra coffee onto a cookie sheet and dye vintage paper to have on hand. (maybe I should add these to my shoppe journals soon!?)

This year, I’m going to have my date stamp on hand! I put together a little tote from Hobby Lobby to keep all my supplies organized, I’m still driving over the pass to the east side once in a while and don’t want to forget things, but I’ll share more about that on another day.

The day after Thanksgiving we had a full house! Kids, dogs, new friends, and hopefully, new family!

My soon-to-be weekend page.

Of course, not everyday is a smash up success, I have crappy days like everyone else, but these journals give me a chance to reflect on the wonderful things that I want to be grateful for, especially with all the blessings I have in my life right now. I sometimes wonder if I would even notice my blessings if I didn’t have a place to document them.

And I have to say that You, my readers, are one of my many blessings!

Until next time,

Thank you for stopping by,

Have a great week,
