Mini Art Journals

It’s been a long time since I’ve shared about my mini journals, mostly because it’s been a long time since I’ve “worked” in them. I stopped writing in my art journals because sharing my journaling was leaving me feeling a bit over exposed. So I came up with this little gem.

It’s filled with freebies and inexpensive “$1 Bin” journals. The card at the left is a postcard covered in contact paper that I use to place between the pages to have something sturdy to write on.

Here’s a nifty trick you may or may not know about, these clips make perfect pen holders!

These little journals are the perfect place to use up those stickers and washi that have become less than inspiring (“in other words what was I thinking?”) but you don’t want to waste good money. I prep my pages ahead of time in the evening in front of a favorite movie. It’s kind of a no-brainer project after a log day.

I’m awful about writing in a straight line, especially if I have something on my mind I really need to get down on paper. So, I put washi in random places on the pages to help guide my pen, and the stickers are just a fun addition.

Just like in a book, a tag is a great way to highlight a thought.

Here’s my little collection, the three in the front are more art journals with a little bit of journaling. I’ve figured to a way to share these with out sharing my journaling,  so I will be writing a post about these later.

This is what I keep my minis in. It’s the perfect size to sit next to my bed if I need to hash out an idea or get something off my mind. I’m still working on the organization of it, I’ll share my progress on that later too.

I hope this inspires you to use up some supplies in an inexpensive, but fun way!

Until next time,

Thank you for popping in,

Have a great day,





9 thoughts on “Mini Art Journals

  1. You’re back! I’m delighted.

    I really enjoyed this post on your mini journals.I’m wondering about the bag you keep them in – where did it come from?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love everything in this post Patty! The contact paper/postcard for a sturdier surface under a page, using washi tape to help guide your journal writing, the clip for a pen holder, and the cute tote filled with supplies and journals! did you make the fabric covers and is this a travelers notebook style set up? how fun-I’m definitely INspired 🙂


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